What’s the stress level of your job?

How many of us can say truthfully that we love our jobs? And for those of us who do, how many can state it out loud?
You wake up and go to work. And work means running your own business or being an employee or even being a stay at home mum.

Whatever you decide to do, as long as you do it consistently, it’s a job. It’s never as simple as love it or hate it. There are good days and bad days, achievements or mistakes. You’re satisfied with this month’s paycheck or strive to do more next month if you can. You get along with your coworkers or struggle in keeping fruitful relationships with your clients.

There’s always a struggle or two along the way. And if you’re having difficulties separating your personal life from your work, it’s even harder.
But try one day to put all the stress of the job in a glass jar, place a lid on it and give it a nice red bow. Than look at it, accept it’s there, and accept that the lid comes off from time to time. But try to keep it closed.


So many health issues are related to stress, and most people associate stress with work.


And not only is it more difficult when your personal issues are on top. But when work stress goes back home with you, there’s a never ending cycle right there. Depression, anxiety, intimacy issues, general health concerns even up to and including cancer. All these are risks we are taking when we do not deal with the stress at work and we let it take over our lives.

So think about it. Do you love your job? And what loving your job actually means?

In my opinion, it means giving you just the right amount of stress to push you forward without clouding your day. It means having satisfaction in what you do and looking forward to doing it again tomorrow. Or at least not dreading it.

It all comes down to being content with your days. Loving your job doesn’t have to bring you the greatest success and make you number one, it just shouldn’t make you hate it.


Mental health issues are strongly connected with how satisfied you are with your work.


And people often ignore considering the health aspects until obvious signs of trouble appear. It can start with being tired all the time, not feeling like taking time for your friends or family anymore, looking to spend over time at work rather than finding something to do.

Examine your job and think about it. Do you love it? Are you happy with it? If not, what would make you happy? Or would it be possible to love it if you had a different perspective on things?

After reading this article, 10 out of 10 people won’t be quitting their jobs. Which is absolutely normal, even if they love their jobs or not. But hopefully you will wonder, if not loving your job, what could you do to change that. And if you do appreciate your job, you will realize that loving it is a big part of you being happy on a personal level as well. Never forget you can talk to your GP about your stress level and any mental health issues that bother you because of your job.